Manuscript Letters - British Politicians
Starting Bid: $100
$200 - $400
Timed Auction
191 The Collection of John Elliot Lawford | Part 2: Online Auction (lot 95-432)
Manuscript Letters
British Politicians
1. Arthur James Balfour to My Dear Sir [H.B. Marshall Esq.]
On Dowling Street Whitehall Letterhead crossed out and inscribed Private, Whittingehame Preston Kirk Oct 15th 1900. Short note thanking for its ‘enclosure’.
Balfour perhaps best known for authoring the ‘Balfour Declaration of 1917, when serving as Foreign Secretary which supported the establishment of a Jewish Homeland in Palestine.
2. Norfolk to Professor Meiklejohn - Manuscript letter with blind stamped letterhead ‘Her Majesty’s Post Master General’, dated March 4. 1898. Letter from the Duke of Norfolk thanking Meiklejohn for his ‘kind efforts to teach me to talk. London has rejected my impassioned appeals at three meetings last week, to return moderates to her Council’.
3. Augustine Birrell [1850-1933] British Liberal Party Politician and Essayist, manuscript letter to M.J.C. Meiklejohn.
4.Walter Besant -Victorian social reformist and novelist. manuscript letter to M.J.C. Meiklejohn.
5. George Wyndham, British Politician and Writer - Autograph.
With 2 card leaves from an autograph book with 6 indecipherable signatures.
Provenance: Estate of John Lawford.
British Politicians
1. Arthur James Balfour to My Dear Sir [H.B. Marshall Esq.]
On Dowling Street Whitehall Letterhead crossed out and inscribed Private, Whittingehame Preston Kirk Oct 15th 1900. Short note thanking for its ‘enclosure’.
Balfour perhaps best known for authoring the ‘Balfour Declaration of 1917, when serving as Foreign Secretary which supported the establishment of a Jewish Homeland in Palestine.
2. Norfolk to Professor Meiklejohn - Manuscript letter with blind stamped letterhead ‘Her Majesty’s Post Master General’, dated March 4. 1898. Letter from the Duke of Norfolk thanking Meiklejohn for his ‘kind efforts to teach me to talk. London has rejected my impassioned appeals at three meetings last week, to return moderates to her Council’.
3. Augustine Birrell [1850-1933] British Liberal Party Politician and Essayist, manuscript letter to M.J.C. Meiklejohn.
4.Walter Besant -Victorian social reformist and novelist. manuscript letter to M.J.C. Meiklejohn.
5. George Wyndham, British Politician and Writer - Autograph.
With 2 card leaves from an autograph book with 6 indecipherable signatures.
Provenance: Estate of John Lawford.