DYKE DANIEL, The Mystery of Self Deceiving: or A Discourse and Discovery of the Deceitfulness of Mans Heart.
$100 - $150
Timed Auction
180: Rare Books
The Mystery of Self Deceiving: or A Discourse and Discovery of the Deceitfulness of Mans Heart.
London: Printed by William Stansby 1633. [xiv] l., 438p, [xxii] l., Lacking endpapers, pages browned with soiling. Rebound in full leather.
2. D. Junii Juvenalis et Auli Persii Flacci Satyrae. Birminghamiae: Johannis Baskerville 1761. 300mm, original full leather binding, scuffed and worn, front board detached.
Provenance: Library of Carl Straubel
The Mystery of Self Deceiving: or A Discourse and Discovery of the Deceitfulness of Mans Heart.
London: Printed by William Stansby 1633. [xiv] l., 438p, [xxii] l., Lacking endpapers, pages browned with soiling. Rebound in full leather.
2. D. Junii Juvenalis et Auli Persii Flacci Satyrae. Birminghamiae: Johannis Baskerville 1761. 300mm, original full leather binding, scuffed and worn, front board detached.
Provenance: Library of Carl Straubel