M. L'ABBE HUC [3 titles], Christianity in China, Tartary and Thibet
$250 - $300
Timed Auction
180: Rare Books
M. L'ABBE HUC [3 titles]
Christianity in China, Tartary and Thibet.
NY: D & J Sadlier 1857, two volumes.Vol.1. xii, 358p. Vol.2. 348p, publisher’s adverts at end.
Original half calf, marbled boards, soiling and foxing, worn exlib copy.
2. John Francis Davis - The Chinese: A General Description of China and its Inhabitants. London: Charles Knight 1840. xii, 383p, illustrated. Lacking front endpapers, contemporary inscriptions. and some soiling & foxing. 180mm contemporary half calf binding, worn exlib copy.
3. John Kesson – The Cross and the Dragon or, the Fortunes of Christianity in China: London: Smith Elder 1854. xi, 282p, frontis. Exlibrary copy with stamps, soiling and foxing, original cloth binding with gilt, worn copy.
Christianity in China, Tartary and Thibet.
NY: D & J Sadlier 1857, two volumes.Vol.1. xii, 358p. Vol.2. 348p, publisher’s adverts at end.
Original half calf, marbled boards, soiling and foxing, worn exlib copy.
2. John Francis Davis - The Chinese: A General Description of China and its Inhabitants. London: Charles Knight 1840. xii, 383p, illustrated. Lacking front endpapers, contemporary inscriptions. and some soiling & foxing. 180mm contemporary half calf binding, worn exlib copy.
3. John Kesson – The Cross and the Dragon or, the Fortunes of Christianity in China: London: Smith Elder 1854. xi, 282p, frontis. Exlibrary copy with stamps, soiling and foxing, original cloth binding with gilt, worn copy.