PROVINCIAL GOVERNMENT [2 items], Land in the Province of Canterbury, held under Pastoral Licenses. 1st May 1867.
$50 - $75
Timed Auction
180: Rare Books
Land in the Province of Canterbury, held under Pastoral Licenses. 1st May 1867.
Provincial Government Canterbury [1867].14p, includes Acreage, Licensee, Date of original lease, Rent- 1st May 1867, Locality. 340mm, browning at edges and pages loose.
2. The New Zealand Country Journal. A record of Information connected with agricultural, pastoral and horticultural pursuits and rural sports in New Zealand. One issue for 1882. Original blue paper covers.
Provenance: Library of Carl R. Straubel.
Land in the Province of Canterbury, held under Pastoral Licenses. 1st May 1867.
Provincial Government Canterbury [1867].14p, includes Acreage, Licensee, Date of original lease, Rent- 1st May 1867, Locality. 340mm, browning at edges and pages loose.
2. The New Zealand Country Journal. A record of Information connected with agricultural, pastoral and horticultural pursuits and rural sports in New Zealand. One issue for 1882. Original blue paper covers.
Provenance: Library of Carl R. Straubel.