MILITARY - 10 titles
$100 - $200
Timed Auction
167: Rare Books
10 titles
1. Frank Sharpley - Bag-Happy. - Margate, Bobby & Co Ltd nd. A Wire-time Production. Magazine format, drawings taken from magazine "Bag-Happy' published at various camps in Italy and Germany '42 & '45. 2. Will Lawson Historic Trentham. Wellington 1918. 3. The ANZAC Book written & illustrated in Gallipoli by The Men of Anzac. Cassell 1916. 4. Alan Polaschek - The Complete N.Z. Distinguished Conduct Medal. Christchurch 1983. 5. Fergus; A Memoir of Fergus Blair McLaren, by his Friends. Reed 1943. DJ. 6. The War in Retrospect. Day to Day events September 1, 1939 to June 7, 1944. 7. A. Aitken - Gallipoli to the Somme. London 1963. DJ. 8. Arapeta Awatere - Awatere A Soldiers story. Huia 2003. 9. Laurie Barber - Freyberg. Churchill's Salamander. Century Hutchinson 1989. DJ. 10. Earl Roberts of Kandahar- Forty One Years in India. London: Macmillan 1905.
10 titles
1. Frank Sharpley - Bag-Happy. - Margate, Bobby & Co Ltd nd. A Wire-time Production. Magazine format, drawings taken from magazine "Bag-Happy' published at various camps in Italy and Germany '42 & '45. 2. Will Lawson Historic Trentham. Wellington 1918. 3. The ANZAC Book written & illustrated in Gallipoli by The Men of Anzac. Cassell 1916. 4. Alan Polaschek - The Complete N.Z. Distinguished Conduct Medal. Christchurch 1983. 5. Fergus; A Memoir of Fergus Blair McLaren, by his Friends. Reed 1943. DJ. 6. The War in Retrospect. Day to Day events September 1, 1939 to June 7, 1944. 7. A. Aitken - Gallipoli to the Somme. London 1963. DJ. 8. Arapeta Awatere - Awatere A Soldiers story. Huia 2003. 9. Laurie Barber - Freyberg. Churchill's Salamander. Century Hutchinson 1989. DJ. 10. Earl Roberts of Kandahar- Forty One Years in India. London: Macmillan 1905.