GERMAN PROPAGANDA PHOTO CARDS, Sammelwert Nr. 8. Deutschland erwacht. Werden, Kampf und Sieg der NSDAP.
$100 - $200
Timed Auction
163: Rare Books
Sammelwert Nr. 8. Deutschland erwacht. Werden, Kampf und Sieg der NSDAP.
[Photographed 1923, published 1933] images show Hitler at rallies with enormous crowds of people. 3 images of Berchestgarten. Photographs have been mounted in an album and removed leaving small marks and chips in the cormers. 120 x 167mm each. 2. Two photographic copies of Heimat-Schein for Adolf Hitler 1906 and 1921 [? certificates of origin]. 3. Original unused certificate - Im Namen des Fuhrers und Obersten Befehlshabers der Wehrmacht ... given out to members of the Wehrmacht for outstanding service to the Motherland in battle. Heavily foxed & laid on to card. 4. Besitzzeugnis Verwundetenabzeichen... [unfilled] form. Awarded to German soldiers who were wounded during W.W. II.
Sammelwert Nr. 8. Deutschland erwacht. Werden, Kampf und Sieg der NSDAP.
[Photographed 1923, published 1933] images show Hitler at rallies with enormous crowds of people. 3 images of Berchestgarten. Photographs have been mounted in an album and removed leaving small marks and chips in the cormers. 120 x 167mm each. 2. Two photographic copies of Heimat-Schein for Adolf Hitler 1906 and 1921 [? certificates of origin]. 3. Original unused certificate - Im Namen des Fuhrers und Obersten Befehlshabers der Wehrmacht ... given out to members of the Wehrmacht for outstanding service to the Motherland in battle. Heavily foxed & laid on to card. 4. Besitzzeugnis Verwundetenabzeichen... [unfilled] form. Awarded to German soldiers who were wounded during W.W. II.